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1 525217 $2,400.00 RENT 3922747 107 Lake Shore Dr,West Milford Twp. Keren Gonen
1 525924 $525,000.00 SFH 3917448 677 County Rd 519,Wantage Twp. Keren Gonen
1 527372 $40,000.00 LOT 3896726 00 Quail Trl,Stillwater Twp. Alison E. Miller
1 528749 $99,000.00 LOT 3895441 5 Deerfield Dr,Hardyston Twp. Keren Gonen
1 530452 $415,000.00 SFH 3916216 Under Contract 15 4th St,Mount Olive Twp. Keren Gonen
1 534163 $699,000.00 SFH 3910241 46 Pidgeon Hill Rd,Wantage Twp. Keren Gonen
1 562120 $325,000.00 COMM 3829455 1939 Union Valley Rd,West Milford Twp. Keren Gonen
1 587363 $2,200.00 RENT 3920151 3 Davos Dr,Vernon Twp. Keren Gonen