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1 525320 $3,500.00 RENT 3924967 18 John Ryle Ave,Haledon Boro MARYAM ALTADOUKA
1 526126 $439,000.00 MULT 3924124 12 Pennington St,Paterson City CLAUDIA CECE
1 527639 $3,850.00 RENT 3922670 409 High Mountain Rd,North Haledon Boro MARYAM ALTADOUKA
1 527944 $550,000.00 SFH 3917316 Under Contract 346 Central Ave,Wayne Twp. MARYAM ALTADOUKA
1 529181 $1,600,000.00 LOT 3925897 409 High Mountain Rd,North Haledon Boro MARYAM ALTADOUKA
1 529609 $3,500.00 RENT 3925393 21 Elizabeth Pl,Totowa Boro HUSEYIN TATAR
1 545334 $3,800.00 RENT 3914829 19 Alps Rd,Wayne Twp. KATHLEEN DIEZ
1 570469 $2,100.00 RENT 3903975 172-184 6Th,Passaic City MARYAM ALTADOUKA
1 570652 $1,750.00 RENT 3903979 172-184 6Th,Passaic City MARYAM ALTADOUKA
1 585728 $34.00 COMM 3755198 1346 Main Ave,Clifton City HUSEYIN TATAR